Sunday, March 29, 2009

Saturday, March 28, 2009


I'm taking a shift to old-style ukulele playing by YT: wininboy and YT: ukulelezaza.

Sing Song Girl on Ukulele

Smeck Ukulele Bounce

[I was looking for some tab of Roy Smeck's Ukulele Bounce but only found this
I'll have to try it out but for now I'm keeping it here for future reference. If anyone has information on tabs for Roy Smeck's ukulele please let me know. HU]

Persian Rug

Old-style improvisation by YT: Ukulelezaza

"Just a short improvisation on my three favourite chords. Usually they are Dm, Gm and A7, but this uke happens to be tuned up to D so they are in fact Em, Am and B7.I find myself fooling around with these chords quite often, never knowing what my fingers will do next, and every now and then I turn my camera on. It's different every time, and in this case it turned out pretty nice. Well, at least I think it did... " Ukulelezaza

I Surrender Dear

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Yamaha Guitalele

Doug C. sent this to me as a curiosity. Very guitarish...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009



Hi Jeff,

I remember you did a post a while back about tabs and chords for the baritone and how hard they are to find. Due to public demand, I've decided to do a baritone site:
It's not going to be updated anywhere near as often as my main - just when the fancy takes me.
Thanks Al
1) Are you planning on doing songs in Low or High D tuning?
2) Do you have some friendly Ukulele-Hunt-ers that know straight guitar tunes that are played solely on the DGBE portion of the instrument?
Thank you very much Al,

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Jayme Kelly Curtis / Musician / Santa Cruz

I like to add photos to my posts and the ukulele community is still small enough that I frequently find images of people that I've met at ukulele clubs, classes, or concerts. While I was googling for a photo of Jim Beloff I came across the talented Jayme Kelly Curtis' photo and found her site which tells about her varied musical talents.
My most vivid image of Jayme is her Ukulele Club of Santa Cruz incredible pseudo-hula to Rhan Wilson's song, Is Little Rhani (pronounced RON-NIE) High? Imagine a stoned blonde hula dancer. What a performer! Perhaps, Jayme wouldn't be too fond of this, but alas, it is a YouTube world.
I have the desire to write songs. I find players like Ukulele Dick, Ukisociety, Owlphanumeric, Ukulelezo, and others are so much fun to listen to because of their thoughtful songs. These are the treasures found in the plethura of ordinary YT videos. Jayme includes some song writing ideas about painting the picture in words...

I have also had a distant fascination for the dulcimer and enjoyed seeing her link and video...


There's another ukulele enthusiast site that is run by Jim Beloff. It is much the same spirit as in the UK. Click on the blog title above to get to the site. I was just looking at the Bulletin Board and found this thread requesting "your" favorite (5) songs.

The bulletin board brings up so many topics: what people have found, new songs, microphones, what is the best tenor ukulele?, ukulele festivals, etc. It is a way to keep current with the ukulele world.

You will also find:

1) Online Store
2) Player Directory
3) Events Calendar
4) Marketplace (Ukuleles for Sale LOOK HERE)
5) Collector's Uke Yak (Ask the inportant questions)
6) Jukebox
7) Mailing List
8) Ukulele Links

Beginners Information / Vocal Lessons

Getting the feel of the instrument (Tim Gilberg)

Simple Guitar Lesson (Tim Gilberg)

Vocal Lessons (Tim Gilberg)

EZ Surf Guitar Rhythm Lesson ( Jason Lee Great Hair, Cool Guitar = Gretsch White Falcon)

Surf Guitar Tremelo Picking

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Jason Mraz / I'm Yours


Andy from the Berkeley Ukulele Club. Tells the best dud dad jokes. I find them quite entertaining but they're the type of jokes a teenage daughter would roll her eyes and say "daaaaaaaaad!". Andy built himself a beautiful Mango ukulele at Mike DaSilva's studio. He's also a long-time ukulele-on-steroids of the 6-string variety (sometimes called a guita...) Andy can whip out the classic rock songs and at the last club meeting, the one where he brought pizza for the potluck open microphone meeting a couple weeks early, he was playing Jack Johnson's Breakdown and Jason Mraz' I'm Yours.

Aha, so that's why I posted this song here. I liked this video for it's energy and the drummer in this video is fun to watch too. The chords are not the basic ukulele super-friendly chords. But I have been practicing these barred chords upon the advice of Uncle Larry.

B = 4322, F#= 3121, G#m = 1342 (Oh yeah!), and E = 4442

One C#7 = 1112

I used to struggle with the Bb chord and now it definitely has been superceded with the E chord. I play it by using my index finger at the 2nd fret and reverse-flexing my ring finger on the 4th fret. This makes for a nice transition back to the B chord.

[The chording can be quite simple if moved a half-step higher --> C, G, Am, F and D7 but then you don't get all the practice using the barred chords.]

I hope the pizza is still good!


(Link for 'Lucky'

(Link for 'Life is Wonderful'

ADDED 7-29-09

And last, Ukulele Undergrounder Numero Uno, Aldrine Guerrero...

(Hey Aldrine, I heard Manny in the Background!)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Ukulele Healing Vibration

I have been playing the ukulele for about 3 years now. It allows me a means to be musical and to enjoy strumming with others. I work from home and I work too much, my ukulele is a refuge and I strum for mini-vacations.

“I take the 'ukulele anywhere and everywhere, and I'm forever playing on it just as quietly as I can. I've found unexpected rewards in playing it quietly. The louder you play it, the faster the decay, i.e., the plunkier the tone. The thing sounds prettier and has a warm sustain when played quietly. It's kind of addictive.” - Steven Strauss

The ukulele truly makes a beautiful sound. I normally end my day strumming a few songs. It is an instrument of soothing vibration when played softly as Steven describes. I keep a binder especially devoted to his arrangements and I also use the pads of my index finger and thumb to get that special “quiet sound”.
When I'm learning something new I call it ukulele meditation. There's a process of slowling down using the music sheets as a map to a new understanding. So I slowly move and get the feel for the music using the miscues as reminders to stay focused. Wwelti's classical arrangements (see Ukulinkies) in 6/8 time allow one to play soothing ukulele tunes that are great for the quiet wee night hours.
There's a process of learning that I find so amazing. Once you've put in the time diligently counting out the time in a new song and working it over and over, there becomes a time when the music plays itself almost unconsciously. The fingers know where they're suposed to go.

I came across a some ukulele photos on the internet that led me to Jack Haas’ site and he has incorporated his instruments into his spiritual practices. He has an OMstrument and healing chakra stimulating ukulele chords videos, that you can click here to see…

RAM ON / Paul McCartney avec l'ukulele

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Fields of Gold Study for BUC

Fields of Gold / Eva Cassidy / Sting / Brad in Tampa

Click on blog label to go to Brad's You Tube page.

AMOS LEE / SWEET PEA study for BUC song

Amos Lee

Here's a guitarist that has posted a cover of Sweet Pea. Watching him helps me understand the changes of the song better. So I've included it here from BradInTampa...

Brad also does me the favor of posting the lyrics and chords in his comments...

Verse: E, G#7, C#m, F#
Chorus: E, C#m, A, B, E

Bridge: G#7, C#m, F#, B

Sweet pea Apple of my eye
Don't know when and I don't know why
You're the only reason I keep on coming home
Sweet pea What's all this about
Don't get your way all you do is fuss and pout
You're the only reason I keep on coming home

I'm like the rock of Gibralter I always seem to falter
And the words just get in the way
Oh I know I'm gonna crumble I'm trying to stay humble
But I never think before I say

Sweet pea Keeper of my soul
I know sometimes I'm out of control
You're the only reason I keep on coming
You're the only reason I keep on coming yeah
You're the only reason I keep on coming home
Here's some simple chords added 7-18-09

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Eternal Ukulele Questions...

Hillary Clinton and John McCain are the talking heads which spout out the "blither" that is commonly posted on ukulele club bulletin boards. They speak of the "Cosmos" which I believe to be a reference to Alli Bee's Exceptional Ukulele Cosmos Bulletin Board. has an enormous amount of great conversation, information and musical challenges.

This video has many of those beginner questions (that I used to ask)...

Friday, March 13, 2009

Norwegian Wood / Keonepax


This Yellow Bird video has been one of my favorites for a long time. Be sure to click on this blog header so you can get to Keonepax's YouTube channel for many more songs. Don't miss E Ku'u Morning Dew. It's is simple and beautiful.

KeyKord Tenor Uke, Guitar 1920's & Case

The amazing things that you can find on eBay...

DaSilva Bamboo #60 Ukulele Yoga - Randall Wright Owner

Stolen from a Mary Gribbin Face Book Posting

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Songs I'm Thinking About for the Ukulele

TINA TURNER / What's love got to with it? / GRAMMY'S 1985

MERCEDEZZZ (YouTube) / I will Survive

Monday, March 9, 2009

Cliff Edwards - Hang on to me 1931

I have a collection of ukulele player photos and I like to post them on this blog. I'm open to anyone that has vintage or current photos of ukulele players that would like to share a scan. Cliff Edwards is a favorite and I've always got my eye out for a great shot of him playing an ukulele.

I love and keep coming back to this video...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Elizabeth Darling

Elizabeth Darling

Elizabeth Darling – “Dear Steven Hawking” Nice stormy scene from rooftop, thunder. I like her creative strums from her different videos and I always appreciate a thoughtful or imaginative song.

Allo, Darlin’ (Elizabeth Darling) – “Girlfriend” (Alistair had this one on his UkuleleHunt page. I really liked the way the uke is a strong part of the band. Thanks again Al.)

Be sure to click on the blog title to get to her website and more songs.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Who is this ukulele player?

Photo of YouTube Strummer Julia Nunes!
[Julia is not the question or the answer!
I just have a picture here because I liked the pic.]

I have joined the Ukulele Social Club ning at I think that you may find something of interest there. Check it out!

I came across an article saved by another ukulele junkie about a famous ukulele player. Here are several quotes from this very well known player. Take a guess who it is and leave a comment... I'll let you know later.

“Some people may tell you the ukulele is easy to play, but don’t you believe them. Like most instruments, it’s easy to play badly and hard to play well.”

“The first thing I recognized was that playing the uke was not as easy as everyone had said it was. It was downright difficult. “

“The second thing I noticed, after fumbling around for half an hour, was that I had absolutely no talent.”

“My musical ability seemed to evolve at a geologic clip characterized by long periods of stasis punctuated with sudden forward lurches.” (Now this sounds like Steven Strauss to me, but it is not. Take another guess.)

“What is important is that I never gave up on the ukulele, or myself. If I had, I never would have discovered my aptitude for playing. That discovery—an epiphany, really—was a big relief. Those things you hear when you’re a kid, like “slow and steady wins the race” and “good things come to those who wait” and “talent is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration” have been revealed to me in my life in unexpected ways, involving ukuleles”.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mississippi Mud

No ukuleles where damaged in this fracas!

A ukulele playing friend, Carol a.k.a. UkeGal, had a small gathering of ukers over to her new house to play, sing and enjoy a potluck dinner. Erich Sylvester, who has known Carol, since her college days and also performs at clubs in The City (S.F.) regularly, always has a few great tunes that he shares, they really are fun with a lot of nifty simple-yet-effective chord changes, but he doesn't bring the sheet music - UUUUGGGGGHHHHH! Well Erich did lead us through and we got to write down the chords to Mississippi Mud. His version is quite close to Jim Bottorff's,, but with a few simpler chord changes.
The midnight sun chord are quite similar:
Words and Music by James Cavanaugh & Harry Barris - 1927

When the sun goes down, the tide goes out
The peo -ple gath -er 'round and they all be -gin to shout "Hey! Hey! Un -cle Dud
It's a treat to beat your feet on the Mis -sis -sip -pi Mud
It's a treat to beat you feet on the Mis -sis -sip -pi Mud"
What a dance do they do! Lord -y, how I'm tell -in' you
They don't need no band They keep time by clap -pin' their hand
Just as hap -py as a cow chew -in' on a cud
When the peo -ple beat their feet on the Mis -sis -sip -pi Mud.


Lord -y how they play it! Good -ness, how they sway it.
Un -cle Joe, Un -cle, Jim How they pound the mire with vi -gor and vim.
Joy! that mu -sic thrills me. Boy! it near -ly kills me.
What a show when they go. Say! they beat it up ei -ther fast or slow.

(Repeat Chorus)