Friday, December 18, 2009

Alert for NPR listeners || Another Interview with Ukulele

Nellie McKay plays Doris Day songs and accompanies herself with a ukulele. I'll try to find the audio link and post it. What a sweet voice. She's interviewed by Terry Gross on Fresh Air.


  1. Free advice, NPR: While Nellie's Doris Day album is all very well and good, it is not, repeat not, the hot ukulele story of the moment. For just what is, please ask someone who has actually heard of the internet.

  2. My wife and I saw Nellie McKay in St Louis a few weeks back at a very small club. It was just her and a drummer. She's just as funny in person as in her interviews and is clearly not a uke virtuoso, which makes her playing all the more "real."
