Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Jeff "Humble Uker"
Jay Holiday
The Uklectics met again yesterday We've been hanging out in garages to play music. Pete the drummer has a kayak in his garage and I heard that Jay and Bob also do kayaking. I asked Jay if we could go kayaking sometime. So yesterday we finally got together for MY first REAL kayaking excursion down at Elkhorn Slough.
We started off at the coastline breakwater headed South and soon were paddlin' past about 200 sealions as they lazed on a long dock. We turned a corner and went under a auto bridge and were in a large bay. Birds, sandpipers, pelicans, and seagulls were all around. We saw frolicking sea otter pairs while we were out in the large bay. We paddled thru 3 large bays and then into the marshlands where these pictures were taken.
Jay and I had a great time talking about life and music. Kayaking is a great time to sing and practice songs. Jay says this is one way he practices his songs - I call him the human jukebox. I frequently go hiking in the hills of the Anthony Chabot Regional Wilderness and I sing songs to myself on the dusty trails.


  1. Obrigado por sua visita, venha sempre que gostar. Obrigado também pelas gentis palavras.
    um abraço

  2. I have kayaked a bit, particularly in Bolinas Lagoon. Also been to Elkhorn. It is the best! However, I don't sing because I don't want to disturb the otters and harbor seals!
