Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Happy Minimalist

I just finished reading a book, The Happy Minimalist by Peter Lawrence. It is subtitled Financial Independence, Good Health, and a Better Planet for us all. It is a part of the Simple Living / Financial Independence school of thought that I have read and ignored for several years now. Actually, I think I have a fairly simple lifestyle except for my Ukaholic tendencies and by being a consumer of too many things found on eBay. Everyone is tightening their belts right now. Companies are downsizing and millions families around the world are affected.

My late Minnesotan stepfather, Carl Edwin Lindroos, was a accountant/controller of a company called Advance Electrical Sales in Belmont. Whenever strong waves of economic turnovers would occur he would suggest that the managers, sales and ownership would all reduce wages 15% so that everyone could keep their jobs. Sometimes they would complain. But Carl, was a great and simple person, and would take a 25% cut himself for the good of all. I wish corporations would adopt this philosophy.

[I heard something on public radio (KQED) about big management compensation packages in the U.S. and Japan. I don't remember the exact numbers but I think the U.S. biggies got 250 times the average wage, compared to something like 50 times in Japan. Something is crazy.]

We'll Mike DaSilva has been affected in his ukulele shop too. Mike as made some special package offers and I couldn't pass up on an offer for a custom Koa concert ukulele from Mike. I have thought about how can I play so many ukuleles at once? I have a custom Pahoku soprano ukulele that I love to play, Hamano Tenor, Maxwell Baritone, Risa Soprano Solid, Vintage Gretsch Soprano, Northern (triangular shaped) Soprano, Harmony Soprano (wood fretboard) , Harmony Soprano with (plastic fretboard), and my Dad's old uke which is a keeper. That's (9) ukuleles.

So I have reverse eBay-sized. That's right I'm selling ukuleles on eBay. I am hoping to sell a few ukes and have another custom ukulele to cherish. Every one of my friends that have DaSilva ukuleles say that they cherish them for their beauty and great sound.

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