Wednesday, September 19, 2012

This video mixes images of sweet innocence with a little naughtiness. The music is splendid. The children are beautiful and happy with their ukes. For some reason I had an existential moment, realizing the difference in cultural sensibilities in different countries. Ah, it is all part of our human existence.

This existential question brought my mind to another video made by one insensitive person in America that has turned into a rally cry for rage and hatred. Where are the voices of sanity and reason? Where is the "water off a duck's back?" What's so bad about Peace, Love & Understanding?

I woke up at 4:39am this morning. My thoughts are heavy. After 9 years of running my own business I am returning to the business world. I am returning to the work that I did the previous 9 years: steel construction project management. It is a fast paced world here in the San Francisco Bay Area. Commuting again - yuk!

Enjoy the music, smile...


  1. Good luck with your returning to the business world, Jeff. I hope you'll be able to listen to ukulele music while commuting to make it less of a pain.
    All the best!


  2. Thanks Armelle -- I plan to study languages during that commute time. I have used Pimsleur language mp3's and found them really effective. The trouble is where do I start? Brazilain Portuguese, Italian, Spanish or my ancestral Swedish?

  3. Hey Jeff- Wishing you a relatively easy return to the business world.. I know that's gotta be hard after being your own boss for so long.. Will you eventually have a "work uke" for a break now and then, or lunch?

    1. I will have to have a uke at work but I think I'll need to get a small inconspicuous one. Jeff

  4. Glad you discovered this clip. In case you consider what tune it is, t is an adaption of Teddybear's Picnic I did 10 years ago. Good luck with your new old job.

    Regards from Ukulelestan, Germany, Alex
