Monday, May 17, 2010

W. Welti's Classical "Ribbbbbbiiiiitttttttt!

Haven't posted any classical ukulele for a while. Wwelti feels like an old friend though we have never met. This ukulele obsession has created a bond between so many people from all over the world. So YouTube is now 5 years old and I have been all around the world searching for musical knowledge on the humble instrument. Alistair Wood of Ukulele Hunt just had his site's 3rd anniversary so I went back and saw that I started Humble Uker on 8/28/08, I am getting close to two years in August.

I have been playing with the idea of anti-blogging, that is removing some posts, a finding posted videos that were taken down (and now blank) for some infringement. I heard from Ukulele Bartt that the Disney Corporation had him take down his "When You Wish Upon A Star" video. Seemed crazy to me, in my Humble opinion (IMHO), Bartt was stirring up nostalgia for Disney.

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