Thursday, September 17, 2009

GETTING TOGETHER || Humble or Scared? 2

Well, in my previous post I never got to the point I really wanted to make and that is, we ukulele players have such a good time at the club(s), but there's a strong desire to seriously work on, memorize and sing songs well. We ukulele players are highly individual in our likes and we all lead fairly hectic lives. It is hard to find the time to get together. I know that I have commited myself in many ways. Getting together in smaller groups is the best way to achieve this goal.
But the secondary aspect of getting together with others in a small group is that it exposes all your weaknesses. The psychoanalist-me USED to say "you don't have enough skill, you can't sing." But getting together and playing music with people is about choosing music you like and sharing it. Sometimes you're gonna have some flops.
For example, I tried to bring Elton John's Rocket Man to the Berkeley Ukulele Club - and I just wasn't ready to do it - it was a failure for me that day - no big deal. Another day I brought If by the group Bread (arranged by Ron Chamberlin, see Ukulinkies) and Erich Sylvester helped by singing it superbly. So there's a trial and failure aspect but along with that comes the reward of working on something with friends, laughing hard, and sense of accomplishment.
We have a singer and ukulele player in the Uklectics, named Robbie I. She has mastered the art of laughing and making people feel at ease. She also is a strickler for knowing the entros and endings. Every group needs someone to pay close attention and make sure these all important details are mastered. HU

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