Sunday, August 30, 2009


Marko & Shelley / The Uke Box
Photo from Shelly's blog
I have some new people that have become followers of HumbleUker blog and they have blogs that I am sure you'll like to check out too.
Shelly Rickey is a creative illustrator and musician. She's from Mississippi but resides in the Netherlands and has been travelling to ukulele festivals in Ireland, Italy, Belgium, etc... She's a member of "The Uke Box" and has taught some classes along with her partner Marko at the festivals and selling some of her creations, and hand-made musical items.
Shelly's art I term as folk or primitive art. It is art that springs naturally from a creative spirit. It's fun and cheerful and at tmes functional. I have been interested in the handmade cigarbox instruments because they look so rustic, simple, and provide quite an awesome sound too. On Shelley's blog she has a homemade washbasin bass, cigar box ukuleles, and other instruments.
In her June 2, 2009 post she has a beautiful mermaid playing the ukulele jamboree flyer and she mentions Ukulele Intervention - A ukulele workshop for aspiring ukulele players. I would liked to been there. This blog is as visualy delightful as they are creative and informative.
Jim D'Ville has also linked up to HumbleUker and he's going to be coming to the Bay Area and teaching some classes in Playing the Ukulele by Ear at Mike DaSilva's shop in Berkeley, California. His blog is focused on developing a better understanding of music. This blog is just in it's early stages so I'm looking forward to learning while Jim provides some lessons in music practicalities.


  1. Hi Jeff,
    So kind of you to write such a great blog post about me.
    Thank You & Best Wishes,

  2. I came across a blog that seemed to copycat this blog post in a most insulting and incomprehensible way. But when I went to the about section I think I get it now. Another blog pulled it into their examples of a blog post and inserted gibberish. Still unflattering to me and the creative people in this blog.
