
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Real Ones || Here Comes the Sun

Thanks to M. Wagstaff of the Berkeley Ukulele Club, for this find...

Real Ones are five guys from Bergen who sing and play together in amazing harmony. Their interweaving voices and the slightly haunting strings seem to create just a touch of the orient. This band has to be seen live! Folk, indie, psychedlia - in an original and lovely blend!

"The day after our gig at Solfestuken (the celebration of the return of the sun) in Longyearbyen, Svalbard we took off into the arctic with the risk of freezing to death or getting eaten by polar bears. If that had happened, this video of the appropriate Beatles song "Here Comes the Sun" would have been our last recording. As you can see we were lucky with the weather (first day of sunshine since October and only minus 15 degrees celcius) and we made it back.
Longyearbyen is the northern most city in the world, situated on the islands of Svalbard, north of mainland Norway. Only 1200 km from the North Pole, at 78* North. It is dark there from October to March and midnight sun from April to September."

Can you imagine plucking uke strings in freezing temperatures?

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