"The PAX Late Show is the brand new talk show featuring your favorite geekcelebrities. Also includes the premiere of new video content from hot web video creators, and a very special musical performance. This first ever recording of the PAX late show was hosted by Rym and Scott of GeekNights."
I wanted to create this blog as a place where I can store and retrieve information for future reference. I chose the name Humble Uker Ramblings because I have started out strumming my father's 1950's painted Harmony ukulele. I think that the greatest appeal of the ukulele as "the people's instrument" is it's humble simplicity. My contact email is HumbleUker@gmail.com. I have also been working on a blog for the Baritone Ukulele called Humble Baritonics.
Always a welcome presence on HU/HB. Another nice one, Jeff.