

I entitled this page GROWTH in hopes of provoking some curiousty. I want this to be the place where I can place tutorials, music theory, and such. I want to move these off of the blog template an hopefully make for a cleaner look while still providing valuable information.

So now that I have been asked to be less humble, and since I have had plenty of time to research some good sites then I should have some ideas for the best places for a beginner to look.

1)  I will suggest first, in a very modest way, that you look over my two blogs. The main reason I say that is that I have collected quite a substantial amount of videos in a wide variety of genres. Determine what you like and dislike and proceed from there. Humble Uker (and Humble Baritonics for those interested in the deeper baritone sound).

2)  For a daily dose of ukulele (except for scheduled sabaticals) you should take a look at Alistair Wood's site and then sign up to be on his mailing list. Al does focus on many modern things but he also focuses on riffs, strum variations, alternate tunings, and he really knows his stuff. He also has many songs that he's put together into chordal arrangements or fingerstyle arrangements. And has made several in-depth books that are very affordable and printable immediately. I recommend taking a look at these because they are "top shelf" work. Ukulele Hunt is a must.

3)  I am going to stay in the same youthful territory and next mention Ukulele Undergound because they go about things quite differently from Ukulele Hunt. Ukulele Underground is focused on great instructional videos where the uber-amiable Aldrine Guerrero shows his mastery of the ukulele and command of the english language. (Actually, Aldrine is masterful but he puts you at ease immediately with a bit of playfulness.) UU is also big on a community based forum -- this community starts in Hawaii but spreads the ukulele aloha throughout the entire world. UU also has something called "Uke Minutes" which are quick tutorials and will get you edumacated on the uke.

4)  Now I want to break down into your genre of choice... (I'll get back to this later)